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Damp patches and knicker wetting galore in Hightide's premiere volume. Donna, an attractive 21 year old blonde, is wetting her knickers right in the bed after our camera crew woke her up at 5 in the morning. The bed is totally soaked and she masturbates to a genuine, dripping wet orgasm while sitting in her own juices. Next day we meet Sandra, a cute 19 year old brunette from Germany, who shares Donna's passion. But first it's Donna again, soaking her light blue underwear and socks, sitting on a sofa. Sandra continues baptizing our studiofloor through her grey satin panties. Puddles everywhere, but way not enough for our two girls, so Donna is at it again, soaking the carpet, while Sandra let her juices flow while sitting on a blow-up chair, which, after some steaming red hot dildo games of both girls, is used by Donna too. Naughty by nature, Donna decides she would like to film a scene as well, so she grabs the camera and films the results of herself pissing from above on Sandra, who then lets go of her fluids as well.
Actress: Donna, Sandra 💖
Genre: Lesbians, All Girls, Pissing ☣
Duration: 00:56:02
Quality: DVDRip
Resolution: MPEG-4 Visual, 640x480, 25.000 Fps, 1 198 kb/s
Format: avi
Size: 561 MB
Enjoy your viewing! 🎬🍿