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Debbie Ashton's legendary panty pissing videos of the late 80s are true classics of the genre and the very first of its kind. Daring public pissing scenes, very exciting solo and lesbian piss action with steamy direct sound and hot pee talk set the standard for many subsequent productions. Here, Ashton's films are exclusively available for the very first time in remastered quality and on DVD. Don't miss out on these jewels of nasty, daring piss sex. Ashton's girls piss on the railway station, bondage pissing, in the train, masturbating in taxis, and wetting themselves in shopping malls, leaving a trail of pee behind them.
Please note that these films, although digitally remastered for DVD, were shot on analog equipment and therefore display some artifacts typical for these formats.
Actress: unknown 💖
Genre: pissing in panties ☣
Duration: 00:57:49
Quality: DVDRip
Resolution: MPEG-4 Visual, 352x288, 25.000 Fps, 463 kb/s
Format: mov
Size: 219.8 MB
Enjoy your viewing! 🎬🍿