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Frenky and his buddy have arranged to have an orgy party brought right over to their room, by calling up slut organizer Kirsten Plant who can provide the goods. Unfortunately, she's only able to provide three girls for the guys instead of their requested four, but Gabrielle Gucci, Ferrera Gomez, and Bella Baby are three fantastic babes to have going crazy for you! Once business has been settled and Kirsten leaves the room the three hotties strip down and get the party going on the bed, first getting the two guys nice and hard as the put on a lesbo show for them, but once they're good and ready to go the guys join in, getting sucked and fucked by all three of these beauties! And as it turns out, once Kirsten returns to the room she's down to hop right in, creating the six-person orgy the guys were hoping for, and once the piss starts flowing you know these guys have really arranged for something special! Check out all the sex party golden shower and hardcore action as this baby is just getting started!
Actress: Ferrera Gomez Gabrielle Gucci Bella Baby Kirsten Plant 💖
Genre: Pissing, Hardcore ☣
Duration: 00:25:23
Quality: Full HD
Resolution: AVC, 1920x1080, 25.000 Fps, 6 837 kb/s
Format: mp4
Size: 1.26 GB
Enjoy your viewing! 🎬🍿