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Cris, Eduarda, Kita and Fernanda are in their house taking a sunbathing, when Dyana and Whore running joke with them. But the two friends did not know that Cris and her friends shemales and they are very, very angry with the girls and they find out what is going to happena These beaultiful and merciless shemales will teach them a lesson with a lot of impact, urine and vomita Poor girls, they will learn that it is not good buffoonery around with shemales.
Actress: ScatMilena 💖
Genre: Scat, Pissing, Femdom, Domination ☣
Duration: 00:58:41
Quality: SD
Resolution: AVC, 720x576, 25.000 fps, 2000 Kbps
Format: mp4
Size: 250 Mb
Enjoy your viewing! 🎬🍿