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Ever since Violet joined us, it was her heart's desire to get hooked up with wild gal Kelly. The interest was mutual, but logistics were tricky. When we finally got them together long-distance chemistry instantly turned into raw passion. Enjoy a wild ride of two soul sisters who were all over (and under) each other from the second they met. (Excuse some minor audio flaws in the opening scene - their first orgasms were so loud that it almost blew up our recording equipment....)
Cast: Kelly, Violet 💖
Genre: Shitting Ass, Young Girls, Shitting Girls, Milf, Lesbians, Big Tits ☣
Duration: 60 Minutes
Quality: HD 720p
Resolution: MPEG-4 Video 1280x720 25.000 FPS 2609 kb/s
Format: mp4
Size: 687 MB
Enjoy your viewing! 🎬